How to purify the air in your home without chemicals

How to purify the air in your home without chemicals

Whether you're inside or outside, the quality of the air you breathe can have a big impact on your health. Studies have associated poor outdoor air quality with lung cancer, stroke, and heart disease. Research has shown that we spend most of our time indoors and this is a reason for our interior air. There are many reasons why your indoor air may be contaminated. Some sources, such as building materials, furniture and electronics, can permanently release contaminants.

 Other sources, such as smoking, cleaning or renovations, may occasionally release pollutants. Unventilated or defective devices can release potentially hazardous pollutant levels in the interior. If you think that you clean your air using a scented air freshener, think again. Most of the air fresheners leave only potentially harmful chemicals in your home. Here are some tips that you can apply without the use of chemicals to improve the quality of your indoor air. 

1- Open your windows. This is the simplest (and cheapest) thing you can do to improve the quality of your indoor air. To reduce the accumulation of harmful pollutants and indoor air to cool your home in just five minutes a day, open your windows.

 2- Add indoor plants. Use of indoor plants can help improve indoor air quality. For example, some plants include benzene, formaldehyde, is effective in reducing carbon monoxide and xylene.

 3- Choose the essential oil dispensers. Certain essential oils, such as Camellia oil, have antibacterial properties and can be added to homemade household cleaners or locally applied to the skin to treat a small fraction. But did you know that these oils can also reduce bacteria from the air? Eucalyptus, has proven to help reduce the number of mites in the house of essential oils such as clove and rosemary.

4- Choose wax candles. The reason that particles float in the air around us is because they are positively charged ions. The air is clearer in the forest or near a waterfall, because nature creates negative ions that bind to positive ions, aggravate them and fall to the ground. Burning candles with pure wax is artificially cleansing the indoor air by creating this event. However, the burning of any candle species always sends the body into the air. To prevent this, consider LED candles that will lessen the air and reduce the risk of fire.

 5. Take off your shoes. The outer dirt may contain undesirable microbes such as insecticide, pollen, fungus, bacteria or feces. It can be under your shoe when you enter your home, so it's best to take them out when you come back. This will help you stay clean, instead of talking about your soil.

 6. Pay attention to your pet's feathers. Animal hair is found almost anywhere in a house. Dander may cause symptoms similar to asthma or may exacerbate your asthma. If you have pets, be sure to minimize the danger by regularly cleaning, brushing outdoors where possible, and regularly cleaning the floor and furniture.

7. Change your air conditioner filter at regular intervals Most systems have a filter that you need to change on a regular basis, and this filter can capture particles while running. The more you change, the better. Ask what type of air conditioning system you have and what the manufacturer's recommendations are for changing the filters.

8. Clean with non-toxic chemicals. Household cleaners from many stores contain toxic chemicals that can cause irritation to the eyes, nose, throat and lungs. If you intend to use, at least open the windows when using. However, as a greener option, consider creating your own home cleaner using materials such as vinegar, baking soda, citrus juice or essential oils. 

9. Use an air cleaner. Air cleaners can be an effective way to reduce harmful particles in the air. If your child has asthma, it may be interesting to have one in his room.

10. Fan the new furniture. Volatile organic compounds are airborne chemicals that remain in the air and are everywhere in our homes. VOCs such as torten and benzene are used in adhesives, paints, fabrics, construction materials, etc. It is found in such components. When buying a new seat or chair, remember that it will spread more VOCs and then gradually disappear. To reduce damage to your indoor air, drain the VOCs as much as possible. If possible, leave the furniture in your garage for a week or more and keep most of the windows open for the first few months.

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