7 makeup tips for women over 50

7 makeup tips for women over 50

 See tricks to improve eyes, mouth and skin contours without weighing makeup. See makeup tips for women over 50 years. Mature skin brings new challenges for women over 50 who want to keep their makeup up to date at all times. At the invitation of Donna magazine, makeup artist Fernanda Martins from Rhedco and beauty columnist Taís Andrade reveal their tricks that develop their eyes, mouth and skin lines without makeup.

 1. Relax Liquid bases are the best friends of mature skin. As Taís explains, the thinner the base layer, the less chance of marking the lines of expression and the more natural the result. The trick for Fernanda is to choose a light basis that covers the skin well, but is not weighing. The hint is not to try to hide expression lines, but to soften features.

2. Bet on outlined eyebrows Emphasizing the outline of the eyebrows makes a difference in makeup. Failures may increase after the age of 50. Fernanda shares a very useful trick: fill it with an eyebrow pencil or eyeshadow to soften the effect and brush with a small brush.

3. Value the view Fernanda's tip is to give up the twinkling that makes the eyelid very clear and the dark shadows that make the eyes look so deep. So choose soft shadows and neutral colors. It is necessary to avoid applying pencils and eye shadow to the lower part of the eyes for the taís: it recommends focusing on the upper eyelid. Yumuşak A softly smoky brown eyeshadow with a pencil applied to the upper eyelashes and eyelash mask provides a “relaxing ve effect and a sophisticated and elegant look, Make says the makeup artist.

4. hit the blush Placing bets on the cheek in the form of pink or peach brings lightness to the market. Fernanda said he prefers not to make strong marks, but a blush that is already very prominent on the cheekbones.

5. Go Naked For a striking mouth that does not draw attention to fine lines, Fernanda gives the hint: make the outline of the mouth in bare pencil and use a lipstick on a darker bare.

6. Invest in the liner If you are a team that does not need primer in skin preparation, you can review their concepts: The product makes a difference in the structure of mature skin. As Fernanda explains, the primer forms an invisible layer that helps fix the makeup to the face, even though the lines of expression on the skin are well marked, and gives the structure uniformity. Taís states that a primer with luminescent particles or creamy illuminator followed by moisturizer and sunscreen provides light skin effect without marking expression lines.

7. Pay attention to the concealer The sealant should be as liquid as possible. Check step-by-step recommended by Taís: apply the concealer, do the rest of the makeup, and when done, the trick is to apply a translucent powder to stain, remove and seal off excess. To achieve the desired effect, the powder should be as fine as possible.

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