An amazing collection of Mayolika

An amazing collection of Mayolika

 Last Saturday in Palermo, almost by accident, I discovered a real gem, with fascinating history, Genius rooms, you can see some (my) photos below. Le Stanze is al Genio and 'probably the largest preserved appointment, usually, private home visit ceramic collection in the world. The house / museum, the palace was built between 1500 and 1600 Liberty, which has 1700 ceilings on an airplane, early 1800's and some nice pieces of furniture. The family who lived there gathered and restored the Sicilian majolica, exhibiting them on the walls of the whole house, aging them, even years old. There is also a collection of old boxes, games, old objects distributed in 4 rooms (see my Instagram profile for photos of these little treasures and other images of Palermo). The passion of all these colorful and very modern pieces leaves you speechless. An amazing fact is that most of the office designs look contemporary. It is a great inspiration for graphic designers or fabric designers, and it is no coincidence that some motifs remind you of the current Missoni prints or upholstery fabrics. Not only that, cement tiles, which we see a bit everywhere these days, are often re-producing or reproducing some of these designs in the corals of the industrial furniture trend. Another thing that pleasantly surprised me and my friend Rebecca was that these areas were inhabited by the Torre and Benso family and among the walls covered with colors, frescoed ceilings, antique furniture, old objects and architectural signs of the seventeenth century. They also have some Ikea furniture. Gai Candido's Baba Babau koleksiyon collection is a piece of art that hangs in front of the glass, the colors that fill these spaces are very well integrated. Not to be missed and recently they have opened bed & breakfast rooms with room / museum facilities, so you can almost sleep inside if you want. Don't miss the next article to see another photo of my discovery in Palermo, a wonderful antique shop!

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