Barber gives tips for adopting short hair

Barber gives tips for adopting short hair

 Taiff's hairdresser and technician André Marques gives tips on how to keep the wires short. The hairdresser gives tips to adopt short hair actress Deborah Secco. Actress Deborah Secco has radically changed her acting role in the soap opera Segundo Sol. She has long abandoned straight curls and made a perfect super-thin fairy cut for women who are not afraid to dare. Andre Marques, a hairdresser, a Taiff technician, leader of beauty equipment in Brazil, makes an analysis of appearance and gives clues to those seeking inspiration from the actor and radically changes his appearance. "The cut adopted by Deborah Secco in the new stage of the character is a fairy cut also known as" Johnny "style. It is carved with the end of the scissors to give more movement and volume to the wires. As with actresses in fine yarns, one can still reinforce the everyday effect by using a pair of scissors in the tips. but very precisely ". Kab The ribs and nape add a touch of femininity to the slightly elongated and shattered, full of attitude ", completes André. Versatile, the cut is the perfect choice for each type of yarn and can be stylized in a variety of ways, from a more behavioral look to more modern production to the weaving of rovings. "Whatever the woman's profile, the most suitable products are the style ointment or wax fixation," says the professional. Also, it is important to remember that cutting operations should always be carried out by a professional hairdresser on a monthly basis.

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