Beautiful skin habits during pregnancy

Beautiful skin habits during pregnancy

 Up to 90% of women may have cracks during pregnancy. Learn how to protect your skin during pregnancy. It is important to take care of the skin and maintain healthy habits during pregnancy. During pregnancy, one of the most important stages of a woman's life, there are many physical and hormonal changes necessary for her body to create a new life. These changes are often accompanied by traces of fearful fractures that affect self-confidence and can be permanent. To avoid these unwanted effects, it is very important to take care of your skin and maintain regular healthy habits for nine months and after the baby's birth. The reason for this is that according to a study published in the Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care, 90% of women have cracks during pregnancy. It is due to distinct and complex skin changes, especially near the gestational week, where the uterus is four times larger. One of the main transformations of pregnancy to the woman's body is the stretching of the skin due to weight gain. For this reason, Dr. Dermatology Association of Brazil (SBD) is a dermatologist. Anita Rotter's preventive care during pregnancy, which includes looking at food, physical exercise under guidance and the use of moisturizers, is extremely important. proven effectiveness in preventing stretch marks. Understanding crack marks Crack marks are similar to scars caused by breakage of collagen and elastic fibers formed after skin tension. "When Stria appears, it is always uncomfortable for the patient, because it is for life.

Therefore, I encourage careful and preventive treatments."The doctor also says, çat Unlike the recent crack marks that are red and persistent, they have a better treatment result ”. Genetic factors and overweight are among the causes. For this reason, many experts recommend special protective lotions with safe and effective assets for the period to increase skin elasticity. Consequences of changes Depression can also occur when a woman is not well adapted to the physical and emotional changes caused by pregnancy. Irim When the image is serious and I feel the need, I refer the patient for psychological and / or psychiatric follow-up. I always try to explain that the changes are normal and expected, but that the woman needs to stay balanced and find activities that promote well-being by allowing her to calm down and relax. Leisure activities, physical exercises and relaxation are good tips for the pregnant woman to stay well with herself, "says Dr. Thalita Russo Domenich, assistant doctor at Santa Casa de Misericórdia in São Paulo. The expert believes that self-esteem is important at every stage of life and ends: "First, a woman needs to feel good about herself, be good with others, and live well."

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