Beautiful writing paper

Beautiful writing paper

 I've recently learned that I've learned not to stress about things I can't control. Things you cannot control are things that you have no power over, such as destiny or situations created by other people. But that's what you can't do because of the lack of time. Nowadays we are working, educating ourselves, staying in shape, looking at our family, having fun, but the truth is, we don't have time to do everything. If you want to live a livable life, you have to keep in mind what the priorities are, what is important and what is left behind. For example, I resigned because my wardrobe was often a mess. I don't have time to fold my underwear, I prefer reading. I don't have time to make good food during the week, I'd rather spend some more time with Giulio. I don't have time to make beautiful greeting cards even if it will entertain me but thank goodness, I can buy them. For example, writing paper and Papel & Co. is beautiful! The idea is simple: quality paper, elegant colors, various lines that look like flowers in the wind. I really love the envelopes with real foliage and ocher!

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