Care for beautiful and moist lips

Care for beautiful and moist lips

 The expert gave valuable tips for Claudia magazine to look into the region. If noted, the mouth may dry out and even lose its original coloring. If noted, the mouth may dry out and even lose its original coloring. The mouth is a part of the body that is often unnoticed in daily care. However, if we do not take good care of it, it may dry in colder seasons and even lose its original coloration. The good news is that lip care is evidence in the world of beauty. More and more bloggers and brands are encouraging interest in this part of the body and there are various natural treatments to treat the area. Dermatologist Jardis Volpe, a member of the Brazilian Society of Dermatology and the American Academy of Dermatology, gave some tips on how to care for the Claudia site to make the lips look more beautiful and moist. Look at this: exfoliation It is important to exfoliate the lips once a week; because it loosens dead skin cells and skin in the area, smoothing and smoothing the area. "This procedure should be done carefully, because when overloaded, instead of removing the cells, the exfoliation area will traumatize and cause injury," the specialist says. Also, be sure to always use region-specific products.hydration Like other parts of the body, the lips face dryness, inflammation and premature aging.

The best product that promotes moisturizing is lip balm. Some lipsticks also have moisturizing properties. “Lip balm contains moisturizing butter, oils, antioxidants, vitamin E, collagen and other ingredients that help quickly moisturize the lips,” he explains. Since it should not contain perfume or petroleum jelly in its formula, it also draws attention to the importance of checking the product label. protection Gibi Just like the skin, the lips suffer from damage from sunlight that causes stains, wrinkles, dryness and even cancer of the lips, or he says. Therefore, it is extremely important to apply sunscreens with a sun protection factor of at least 30 FPS which should be applied every two hours. Drinking water One of the main causes of lip dryness is dehydration, so it is recommended to take at least two liters of water. In addition to keeping the body more moisturized, this ensures that the lips are moisturized and kept soft.

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