Discover skin conditions that improve with the sun

Discover skin conditions that improve with the sun

 Many skin and inflammatory diseases show significant improvements when exposed and controlled by sunlight. There are times when the sun does not mistreat the skin. Whenever you talk about sun exposure, protecting the skin as much as possible is raining or shining every day (ultraviolet rays pass through the clouds and attack the skin regardless of the weather). No doubt: Non-melanoma skin cancer caused by solar radiation is the most common in Brazilian population since the year, even in all awareness campaigns on the use of sun protection. In addition, UVA and UVB rays cause premature aging of skin, blemishes and other skin diseases. However, there are times when the sun does not treat the skin. Many skin and inflammatory diseases show significant improvements when exposed and controlled by sunlight. It is very important to emphasize this: each case is a condition, so a dermatologist must show you how many minutes are suitable for you. Dermatologist Betina Stefanello, a professor of dermatology at Santa Casa de Misericórdia, a member of the Association of Dermatology in Brazil (SBD) and a partner in the Les Peaux / RJ clinic, and Murilo Drummond, a member of the SBD. psoriasis It is an autoimmune disease in which skin cells accumulate, creating scales and spots that cause too much itching. In parallel with medicated treatment with ointments, the sun enters as a regenerating agent of inflammation of the discomforting cells; this improves the appearance and soothes continuous discomfort. Sun exposure should be daily and moderate until the affected skin remains pink. When it reaches this point, the sunscreen should be applied as usual.vitiligo It is also an autoimmune process, but this time against melanocytes - cells that produce melanin. Exposure to the sun aims to promote the return of melanin production in the white zone. Just like psoriasis patients, the affected skin is left with a slightly pink tone. And the sunscreen turns in action. Pityriasis versicolor Old unwanted ringworm in the trunk and shoulders. In this case, the sun closes the melanin recovery and the sound of the skin after the treatment against the worm fungus is closed - remedies kill the fungus, but do nothing about the spots. Sun exposure without sunscreen can be done before 10:00 or after 16:00 for about 15 minutes a day. Lichen Straight It is an inflammation of the skin, mucous membranes and appendages (hair and nails) that causes bright red-purple lesions and too much itching.

 Drug treatment is given with antihistamines (to relieve itching), corticosteroids and retinoids. In addition, exposure to the sun helps relieve the discomfort. Inflammatory diseases Vitamin D, the production of which is stimulated by exposure to the sun, is a very important component in the treatment of inflammatory diseases such as arthritis and arthritis. In this case, about 15 minutes per day, just go in the sun with preservatives. It can even be inside by making use of the rays entering through some windows. Bonus: Forget the myth of the sun acne "dries" When faced with this, unlike most believers, it is legal to remember that the sun does not dry out acne. On the contrary: it dries the skin very quickly and causes a recovery effect that the body perceives this instant dryness and understands that it needs to produce more sebum to heal. As a result, the condition of the skin worsens in the following days. To treat acne, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist and use the indicated topical and oral products for their scope and severity.

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