Enjoy a bath for hair and skin care

Enjoy a bath for hair and skin care

 Experts gave tips to the MdeMulher website to take advantage of the time you spend on beauty treatments in the shower. Enjoy a bath for hair and skin care. If the routine is chaotic, full of appointments, or if you have tried, but you don't have the patience to spend your daily hours taking care of your face, hair and body, you can use the bathroom. favor a busy day. To do this, make a habit of hydrates, peels and skin cleansing, especially when showering. Alberto Cordeiro, a dermatologist specializing in cosmicatrias, lasers and tricology under the direction of Renata Souza and Hmiraios Estética, co-founder and co-founder of Spa Deia and Renata (SP), recommends bathing with 100% use. Before Shower You can even start looking at your hair and skin even before you turn on your shower - a good alternative to faster bathrooms. Invest in pre-shampoos that potentiate the shampoo itself and at the same time protect the hair from dryness. Before bathing, more oily body moisturizers can be used in addition to body oils: almonds, argan and bergamot are always a good alternative to your skin type (look for information on the label). Since the oils must be removed with a moisturizing soap when entering the shower, this two-viscous cream does not compromise the effect of the products.During the bath If your bathing procedures are not too high on the beach, focus on the possibility to look at your skin and hair as the water passes through your body. Avoid using soap to foam the body and invest in bath oils, moisturizing soaps, special creams to be used at that time (with a potent effect on contact with water) ... All of these products can be used daily. Skin care, especially for the facial area, may also be performed during the bath with the soap cleaning step for the area. However, beware: no hot water - the most "healthy" temperature is hot to the cold, avoiding dehydration and even avoids possible burns: "Ideally, there should be a cool bath below 29ºC to prevent loss of the lipid mantle of the skin.

So, it manages to protect the oil we produce, provides protection," Alberto explains. She felt that the yarns were weak, fragile and dull, but she didn't have time to go to the salon? Select a day of the week to perform capillary humidification during bathing. Use a deeply cleansing shampoo, gently massage the scalp - using your fingertips instead of your fingernails - rinse the wires (again, away from the hot water that opens the cuticles and leave the nails opaque and dry) and apply capillary masks that don't require too many minutes. For example, you can invest in a body scrub while the product penetrates into the hair. By talking about exfoliations, they regenerate skin cells and contribute to softness - the habit is equally beneficial if you have black spots and spines. They can also be made during the bath as a subtractor to your preference. Here, look at the frequency that should only be every two weeks or at most once a week, because peeling of the skin is quite aggressive. after bath When you leave the bathroom, choose a soft towel and remember not to rub it too much - neither hair nor body - also avoid very aggressive movements when wiping. This damages the skin, especially the face (more sensitive) and interferes with the health of the wires.

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