FactoLab concrete world

FactoLab concrete world

 It's amazing to see how time passes. I know it's time to be cheerful, but first I have to take a pebble out of my shoe. As a mother of a five-year-old, I'm surrounded by a lot of parents, and sometimes I don't realize we've said and said things to our kids without thinking too much. We should. We have to stop for a second and think about what messages we're going to give these little sponges. For example, what I can't stand at this time of year is to hear parents tell their children that they should be nice if they want Santa Claus to give them presents. What statement is hiding behind such an expression? So all the kids whose parents couldn't afford a gift were too mean? Are rich and spoiled children less well off than others? Syrian children do not receive anything because they do not deserve anything according to this logic. Is this the message we want to convey indirectly, if you behave well and then you will have those who have not behaved well? I fully know that parents sometimes are under pressure and use blackmail weapons due to exacerbation, but in a world where some people are too many and many are not enough, we need to weigh our words better if we want to develop consciously and only individuals. All right, I said we could go back to talking about Merry Christmas and especially gifts. This year I will buy the majority of my gifts from Etsy and certainly get some of these stylish vases from FactoLab in concrete. Each piece is handmade in Florence and is therefore unique with small material imperfections that add charm to these geometric shapes. At a reasonable price, FactoLab's vases, bowls, lamp holders and candle holders are definitely a gift that will succeed with everyone. Of course, if they always behave well ......

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