French artist in the Dominican Forest

French artist in the Dominican Forest

 On a rainy afternoon in Dominica, me and Tom, one of the world's best friends, found ourselves almost by chance in a magical place: Indigo Tree Cottages. That morning, following a free local magazine, we read an interview with a French artist who lived on the island since 1984, and when the monsoon was given, we decided to see his Indigo studio. After leaving the car at the intersection between the two dirt roads (see photo with stones painted with the Indigo sign), we walked through plants with explosive colors and wooden huts. On the left, we saw, climbing the hill, the house you see in the picture below. Two caring dogs came to meet us and showed us the way. The kitchen and living area of ​​Marie Frederick's house, the painter and owner of Indigo Tree Cottages, is on an elevated wooden platform, on a kind of forest terrace with only a few wooden walls and side-facing railing branches. heaven. The sleeping area and the study are located on a single piece of land which is thought to be nearby, in a neighboring house consisting of a large area. Inside, everything is stylish and stylish: paintings, her husband's woodwork, vintage objects almost everywhere, African and Indian fabrics used as curtains and tablecloths. As we looked around, the more Tom and I felt we were discovering a precious stone. While wandering, a red-eyed lady in her 50s and an indisputable French charm emerged. After touring the world, Marie Fredrick stopped in Dominica, where she had dedicated herself to her art for years and built it together with Clem, the charming house to welcome the guests staying in the country houses. You can rent a separate country house from the Airbnb but equally charming. A stay at Indigo Tree Cottages fell to the top of my wish list. Embraced by the forest, with a view of paradise and good company

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