Habits of keeping your nails strong and healthy

Habits of keeping your nails strong and healthy

Specialist, M Women's region should be paid attention to the nail, he said. Ways to keep your nails strong and healthy. Those who visit a dermatology office looking for special treatments for nails have two main complaints: The first and most common is weak nail syndrome, which causes scaling and leaves them fragile. The latter is related to onychomycosis and is nothing more than an infection caused by keratin-fed fungi, many of which are responsible for the structure of the nails. "Weak, dry and brittle nails may occur due to nutritional deficiencies that are lacking in vitamins and minerals such as iron and B12. Or long dried, disintegrated and easier to break, without resting or moistening, using nail polish for a long time" dermatology and cosmetic surgery specialist Alvernaz explains. Denise Steiner, a dermatologist by the Brazilian Society of Dermatology (SBD), points to other multiple causes responsible for the poor health of the nails: thyroid diseases such as anemia, poor blood circulation, and hypo and hyperthyroidism may be the main source of the problem, but not only that. The doctor states that some routine habits, such as frequent use of chemicals and lack of hydration, may also result in the conditions discussed above. With the help of two experts on the subject, we have listed which of these habits should go long enough to keep your nails intact, strong and healthy.Remove excess cuticles Weekly removal of cuticles can damage - and very much - the health of your nails. This is because, as you may have heard before, cuticles are responsible for the protection of natural cuts, which are a natural barrier to the entry of disease-transmitting microorganisms such as fungi and bacteria. By removing them completely or excessively, this obstacle is eliminated and infections can occur at any time. In addition, removing the cuticles increases the sensitivity of the nails in all extensions, causing dryness, wounds and minor bruises. Therefore, avoid taking cuticles or at least reducing the frequency of movement. If you are religious nail biting type every week, try not to remove them completely - push the skin with a spatula and just "wipe" the excess. Nail Onychophilia or nail-biting habits are often associated with pictures or times of concern - so it should be treated as a syndrome that requires psychological monitoring as well as nail treatment. Nail biting usually leaves the area moist and toned, often causing bruising and swelling. Remember, the habit may cause some health problems such as gastritis and gastrointestinal infections due to the ingress of microorganisms from the nail parts (usually dirty) that will stop in the digestive tract. With the use of bitter-tasting enamels, different psychological treatments can help solve or control the problem. Use cleaning products without protecting your hands Detergents, chlorine, bleaches and cleaning agents in general, especially those with caustic or corrosive effects, can cause serious damage to the nails in addition to skin contact dermatitis. This is usually because they are very aggressive, cause dry skin, and, as we say, contribute to the presence of moisture in the cuticles, which facilitates the introduction of microorganisms and transmission of infectious diseases.Emily explains that even contact with excess water can affect the health of the nails because it facilitates the penetration and proliferation of bacteria and fungi. This causes a picture called paronychia that appears to cause edema, redness and pain in the cuticle area, causing bleeding or slag secretion. When using these products, always remember to protect your hands with thick rubber gloves and moisten the skin and cuticles with region-specific creams immediately after removing the gloves. Lack of hydration Moistening your hands every day is also getting into the healthy nail bunch - and forgetting that it helps them get weaker.

 Look for moisturizing hand and manicure creams formulated with urea, hyaluronic acid and natural oils, as well as ceramides, vitamins and antioxidants - apply your skin dry and, of course, during the day while removing cuticles when necessary. In addition to a strong moisturizer for hands, be sure to use nutrient bases that need to be made from time to time before enameling, so that the nails may remain at least a day or two "breathing". Cut and nail the nails incorrectly Yes, there is a "right" way to sand and cut your nails so they don't get stuck and grow healthier. For this, avoid nudging the famous corner edges and always cut them straight by sanding them in the same direction. Use pliers and tools for third-party or non-sterile nails Never, under any circumstances, use pliers or nail tools from others unless properly sterilized and cleaned. In contact with contaminated blood, these substances can transmit diseases such as hepatitis and HIV virus, in addition to nail fungal infections. Always try to have a "manicure set" in your hand and take it to the salon while making the nail. If this is not possible, make sure that the plant always uses hygienically disposable and sterilized instruments as much as possible.Remove enamel incorrectly The best way to remove the enamel is to use certain products with formulas containing oil or moisturizing active substance - the remover may be liquid in the form of a wipe, pad or sponge. Already the worst way to remove the enamel is by hand, the nail itself or teeth are rubbed. Acetones are also vetoed because they have an aggressive pH and corrosive potential and can alter the natural properties of more porous, whitish and dry nails. Bad food To have healthy nails, you need to have a balanced diet by avoiding excessive carbohydrate and saturated fat consumption. Foods such as eggs, meats, poultry, dairy and whole grains are welcomed due to the high B12 vitamins in their composition, dark green leaves, nuts, seeds and grains, sources of vitamin E and fruits such as oranges. , lemon, strawberry and papaya, rich in vitamin C. Women in menopause weaken their nails with the absence of the female hormone and need twice as much care for food. For them (not only), it is advisable to inhale minerals such as biotin in salt and sardine fish, egg yolk and yeast, as well as in organic silicone, which help to develop and keratinize the nails. soy, nuts, turnips, parsley, beer and spices are found as curry.

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