Homemade flower recipes for skin beauty

Homemade flower recipes for skin beauty

 Flowers can serve as beauty allies in masks, tonics, lotions, soaps and hair. Check out some home recipes. Some plant species have medicinal properties and each flower has a variety of active substances with unique properties, which we call the pharmacological role. Pharmacist and homeopathy Jamar Tejada says that a plant contains several substances, but only one or more of them are effective in our bodies. “Some have a more systemic action, and some have more aesthetic action. Some of these active ingredients may be present in the roots, stems, or leaves of plants, while flowers may be present, depending on the season in which certain phytochemicals may or may not have high concentrations. " Since a flower can contain many active ingredients, it has many medicinal and aesthetic properties and can be widely used in cosmetic products, from the use of lip moisturizers, lotions, masks, shampoos to foot cracks, the use can be very different. This is why the cosmetic industry is becoming increasingly aware of this visual appeal of flowers and of course the active ingredients. Var There is a worldwide trend in the use of natural cosmetic products and the use of flowers is a big bet ”, but Tejard leaves an important warning: in addition to the essential features of packaging integrity (cracks, dents and leaks) and: they prefer darker packaging because of the greater stability of organic compounds ”. Take a look at some homemade recipes to get your dream skin:


 Flowers: Marigold Indication: Minimize wrinkles Recipe: After washing under running water, blend 20 g marigold with 250 ml extra virgin olive oil in the dark and in a dark glass (yellow) container for 20 days. Strain with cloth and squeeze. Apply oil to alleviate wrinkles at night, wash thoroughly in the morning.Laundry paint Flower: Lavender Indication: Germicidal and medicinal Recipe: After washing 10g lavender flower in running water, distribute it in 2 liters of neutral alcohol or grain, leave it for at least one week. Soak a cotton dye and use it as an antiseptic and curative agent.


Flower: Lavender Indication: Relieves tired appearance Recipe: Put a handful of fresh lavender flowers in 750 ml of olive oil and pour in a light and moisture-free place for 20 days. Filter on linen cloth. To relieve fatigue, drip a few drops of this sugar onto a piece of sugar and slowly melt into your mouth and drop a few drops onto your temples and wrists.

Chamomile Moisturizer

Flower: Chamomile Indication: Whitening Recipe: Wash 1 cup. (tea) chamomile flowers in flowing water. Beat 1 cup in a blender. (tea) chamomile flowers and plain cup of plain yogurt, wait for an hour. Apply to clean face and allow to move for 40 minutes. Remove with cotton soaked in water.


 Flower: White Rose Indication: Exfoliating Recipe: Separate the leaves of 3 white roses in a bowl. Add 6 tablespoons oat bran, 1 tbsp. (tablespoons) honey and 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil. Stir well. Apply the mixture gently while taking a shower. Use once a week.


Flower: Roses and Chamomile Display: Moisturizing Recipe: Rose petals (8 white rose buds) and chamomile flowers (4 tablespoons) should be washed under running water. Put everything in a glass container. Heat the milk (2 glasses) until it boils and pours over the rose petals. Close the container and leave for 3 hours. Then drain the roses and chamomile milk onto the dish towel and discard the leaves. Store in refrigerator until ready for use.

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