How to recover hair after summer
Sunday, July 7, 2019
After months spent in the sun, pool and beach, the Donna area offers a range of treatments to improve the health of the teeth. Hair should be repaired after summer. Hair should be repaired after summer. It is not possible to deny that there is a certain panic at the end of the summer holiday. Due to increased exposure to the sun, salt of sea water and products used for the maintenance of swimming pools, it is difficult to prevent hair from becoming more dry and brittle. It is time for dermatology clinics and salons to hear the complaints of the famous double ends and the most porous wires for those with hair chemistry. In addition to these factors, there is also a period of seasonal decline at this time of the year, as described by the dermatologist Flávia Lamb to the Donna region. Alar Patients complain a lot about volume loss in the summer, but it's a temporary fall in autumn, Fl Flávia said, referring to hydration and nutritional care. For the hairdresser Fernanda Borges from the Hugo Beauty salon network, those who don't care about it don't have to be spooked: it shows good cuts and treatments on the market, as well as embroidered cuts that eliminate double ends and help reduce. See the tips of professionals for hair recovery and care.tips:
- Flavia recommends using a hat or hat to expose yourself to the sun to avoid burning the scalp. As for special products with sun protection (either release or in the form of foam or oil), the dermatologist recommends that the ideal treatment is 30 minutes before leaving home. Fernanda said that even the best cosmetic brands are important in the summer months.
- As the season still follows a few weeks (some say Easter is the last holiday of the South's beach and loved ones), it's worth noting: when you dive, take a shower and reapply the products to remove salt or chemicals from the swimming pool. "Both Flavia and Fernanda remember the damage from dryers and drums. If you cannot reduce use during this healing phase, leave the dryer approximately 15 cm away from the hair and apply thermal protectors in the case of flat iron.
- Repair bulbs are good options for this recovery phase and should be applied once a week (a rule in practice for light or curly hair). Once a month, invest in stronger hydration.
- Include foods or replace them with a professional person, recommends foods to the hairdresser that contain vitamin D, iron, biotin and selenium.
- No escape, you have to cut the double ends.
- According to Fernanda, a measure that can combine the preventive maintenance list.
- Warning to athletes: The dermatologist remembers that three hours of outdoor activities such as jogging and sailing must take care of the preservatives all year round. The same goes for swimming practice.
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