Myths and facts about lip filling

Myths and facts about lip filling

Doctor and plastic surgeon Marco Cassol answers some questions about the procedure. Several active fillers provide good integration and a natural result between fabrics. Those who dream of voluminous lips find a nice alternative to the lips. To eliminate the procedure, see the doctor and plastic surgeon. Marco Cassol answers some questions: Is it true that the filling will last forever? Myth. There are several fillers that provide good integration between tissues and give a natural result, but the most commonly used transient is hyaluronic acid. In this case, since the duration is approximately 12 months, periodic care is required to keep the lips bulky. Does the procedure hurt? Myth. In fact, the pain varies for every person, it is very subjective. Today, the product is mixed with anesthesia to minimize discomfort and the procedure is very fast. Are botox and botulinum toxin the same thing? Myth. Two procedures are indicated for different results. Botulinum toxin acts by loosening muscles and filling wrinkles and fine lines is indicated for rejuvenation treatments. Fill gives volume by giving skin. Can fillings be applied to any skin type? Real . Hyaluronic acid can be applied to any skin. As for the substance used, it is similar to what already exists in our body, minimizing the risk of rejection and irritation. Does it take too long to show results? Myth. The results appear immediately after application.

 More susceptible patients may have local swelling or redness, but are temporary. Three weeks later, the product fits the region and results.Are there any contraindications? Real . Patient safety always comes first! Therefore, even if the procedure is minimally invasive, it should be performed by a qualified professional, such as a plastic surgeon. Contraindications in cases of pregnancy and lactation. Dr. Cassol also discloses that cosmetics, such as lip creams, balsams, ointments that promise temporary lip augmentation, have agents that "irritate" the lining of the lips and cause swelling. Hast Patients who are allergic to the irritant components of the formula should not use this type of product because those with more hydrophilic or oily form may have longer lasting rapid absorption, süre he warns. The doctor adds, "Plastic surgery is natural and harmonious when well specified and applied. However, the great danger is the obsession that many people have in search of a perfect body, which results in an artificial result in appearance." Marco Cassol, a plastic surgeon specializing in women's face - a member of the Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery (SBCP) with more than 15 years experience. He graduated from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRS) and specializes in areas such as breast reduction, cryolipolysis, microlipoaspiration, close surgery, among others.

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