Stretching or permanent eyelashes?

Stretching or permanent eyelashes?

 See the differences! Jane Muniz, the ostensibly adept face and eyebrow spa chair, eliminates the most common doubts about the two procedures. After making permanent eyelashes, the woman can drop eyelash masks. The expression "eyes are the windows of the soul" may seem cliché, but moreover, they are essential to all facial beauty. So we can't help starting eyebrows and completing eyelashes. Therefore, two techniques are currently increasing: Eyelash Extension and Permanent Eyelashes. It is necessary to distinguish between two procedures with different objectives. In general, it will make all the difference in makeup, value the look and make you look better and brighter. Mun Eyelash extension and the application of permanent eyelashes do not cause pain, because they are used only on the wires, not on the skin, Jane explains Jane Muniz, the founder of Facial Visagism and a pioneering brand, Kaşlar Spa. as beautifying appearance. He also talks about the indicator of each: “Permanent eyelashes are indicated for people who don't have curled eyelashes and want them to come forward. For those who already have curled eyelashes, the effect is artificial and gives the impression of being very sad. indicated for those with very short or low impressive eyelashes. You can invest in the procedure, which requires more volume without having to resort to false eyelashes. People who have already used too long eyelashes may experience discomfort. According to Jane, a special product is applied that temporarily changes the structure of the yarn in the Standing Eyelash. A curler or eyelash clips are then used to make them curl. The processing time of the product depends on the thickness of the hair and can range from 15 to 30 minutes. The thicker the yarn, the longer the movement.If the cable is thin, the procedure is shorter. Eyelash Stretching consists of the application of synthetic yarns bonded to natural lashes with wire.

The processing time depends on the amount of natural yarns owned by the customer and the fixation of the applied yarns. It prevents the use of curves by leaving viradinhos to permanent lashes for 1 month and a half hours. Eyelash Length lasts up to 21 days requiring maintenance every week or every 10 days. The biggest reference in eyebrow design in Brazil ensures that the result of stretching the eyelashes with thread and permanent eyelashes is natural. Insanlar With thread-lashing eyelashes, people will notice that they look different, but the look will not be artificial like false eyelashes. With permanent eyelashes, the curvature effect is completely natural and you won't need to use eyelashes. He said that none of the techniques weaken the hairs in the eye. "You can do the procedures every 60 days and the wires are not damaged." After making permanent eyelashes, the woman can drop her eyelash masks because the look will already be highlighted. However, you can continue using it normally if you want. Durumunda If the eyelashes grow longer, we don't recommend using cosmetics after the procedure, Jane Jane concludes. contraindication According to the expert, procedures are not shown for people with very sensitive skin or skin pathologies. Pregnant women and babies cannot extend or curl eyelashes.

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