The magical world of Queenie Liao and her son
Wednesday, July 31, 2019
When I first saw these photos, my thoughts immediately went to everyone with children who had a light sleep. Queenie Liao's son certainly does not fall into this category. I've never been a passionate person for children. Not my fraitendentemi, always my favorite kids ... for 30 minutes, but my dream wasn't to look at them at all. Even now, I'm surprised when I meet women who don't have a family and tell me that their dreams are a mother because you can't really understand what it's like to be a mother until you're actually. But at some point in our lives, Alex and I concluded that if people continue to have children, there must be a reason. It is a life-changing event that limits personal freedom, is expensive and tiring, but if everyone continues like this, the positive aspects must be worth the candle. This is as clear as banal. So we decided to try it ourselves, and in retrospect I must say that the children are magical. PS By the way, you have a very cool name.
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