Tips for treating acne on black skin

Tips for treating acne on black skin

 Don't know what to do with scar and acne spots? Check out the tips that the experts gave Claudia. Black skin is usually more oily and this causes a greater passion for acne. Acne is a recurrent problem in all skin types, especially adult acne. However, treatments for white skin are different from dark ones because, among other factors, the amount of melanin is not the same. Therefore, procedures vary and some products used in light skin may be contraindicated for black people. If you have dark skin, suffer with marquinhas and don't worry if you don't know how to end acne without attacking your skin! To answer your questions, the Claudia site spoke to dermatologists who broke a few legends and brought many tips. Look at this! Is it true that black skin has more chance of getting acne and acne? Yes, because black skin is usually more oily than lighter skin, which leads to a greater passion for acne. However, this is not a rule. Dr. “Black skin is more prone to facial oilyness that tends to form spots and blemishes caused by acne and comedones (blackheads) and, consequently, post-inflammatory hyperchromia of the lesions, Em says Emily Alvarez. A doctor specializing in Dermatology and Medicine and Aesthetic Surgery. Are the effects of acne on black skin different? Dermatological surgeon According to Juliane Viana, black skin may show more severe cases of acne if not treated properly. "If done incorrectly or does not follow medical care, the possibility of scars called keloid and hypertrophic scars is very important." Can facial masks be used on black skins? Light and non-invasive procedures can be performed on black skin. Ancak However, it is always interesting to see a dermatologist before.

 Today we have many compositions and each skin is unique. Jul Juliane explains.Already the professional Emily Alvarez checks that the mask is used only on sensitive skin, regardless of color. Attention should be paid to the sensitivity of the skin and use on very sensitive skin should be avoided. Regardless of skin color, pre-testing is recommended in the small face area. " Should black skin acne treatment be different? Is there any method that should be avoided? Black skin, which is more sensitive and sensitive to blemishes, should be folded carefully again in any treatment. "Phenol shells and other very strong abrasives should not be used in these patients." "It is not recommended to use products based on some bleaching agents such as glycolic acid and hydroquinone," Emily added. "To prevent hyperpigmentation and stains, we should always give priority to the early onset of bleaching acids." What is the biggest mistake a black-skinned person can make when trying to remove blackheads? Squeezing the blackheads should not be of any skin type. Yapmak Ideal treatments to reduce the appearance of bones, Jul says Juliane. “It is advisable to take injuries and supervise them with medical treatment only with a trained professional, Dr. he said. Emily. “Self-medication can also be disastrous because some products are not indicated for black skin and for some aesthetic procedures because of their properties, bitir he concludes.

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