White eyeliner next makeup trend

White eyeliner next makeup trend

 There have been many brave celebrities choosing in outlined color. See inspirations. A good outline can emphasize the appearance beyond the classic black contour. When it comes to makeup in Hollywood, white is “new black.. With this in mind, the website has provided three different inspirations to help you keep up with this trend. Look at this:

1. Kristen Stewart

For example, American actress Kristen Stewart drew attention at the Women in Motion Awards Dinner, which was held at the Cannes Film Festival because of the overly chic eyeliner for the details of the little pearls on the makeup line. To create the look, makeup artist Beau Nelson created his own eyeliner. In an interview with the "Refinery29" portal, the professional says that Kristen applied concealers to her eyelids and applied a pearly beige shade using a moist brush to make the impact more intense to prevent the image from melting in the middle of the event. The pearls came last and were applied to the corners of the eyes near a glowing shadow to give the effect of light.

2. Margot Robbie

However, Kristen is not the only celebrity to bet on this trend. Margot Robbie at the British premiere of "Me, Tonya" also chose to dare a white design. The actress's makeup artist, Pati Dubroff, created a thick line that eliminates the shadow and leaves the appearance stripped and even slightly futuristic. Im I made a light outline and brightened your skin well with blush in the light shade of peach pink, ına he explains to the Glamor UK portal. Im I used a dull shade to change the eye contour, applied a white eyeliner and a light mascara to the lash line. ”Pat explains that the outfit was the gizli secret weapon daki in this makeup, so she didn't abuse the other cosmetics.

 3. Bella Hadid

On the second day of the Monaco Grand Prix, Gigi Hadid chose a “completely white görünüm look that consisted only of white pieces; Model makeup artist Naoko Scintu has created a fine line that gives a special touch to makeup following the natural line of "makeup look". According to the professional's publication on Instagram, he used a matte white pencil eyeliner to make fine strokes easier. Keep in mind that if you want to copy it, it can be the perfect finishing touch to make your appearance more sophisticated, whether for a more elegant event or just to encourage someone in everyday life.

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