What are the latest trends in marble?

What are the latest trends in marble?

Marble offers a unique sense of wealth. The overall trend is for large-sized tiles of 60x60 cm (or larger), which improves the sense of space with less stitching and gives a sharper result.

How do you choose your marble?

 Although marble comes from Italy, there are hundreds of marble types from quarries all around the world, each with its own unique appearance. There are a few things to consider before choosing marble. Marble floors tend to be slippery and can affect marble slip resistance.

When choosing marble floor tiles, it is important to keep in mind the slip resistance. Marble requires more maintenance than other porous stones because it is very porous. All marble tiles must be treated with a suitable product during installation and under-face sealant for additional protection.

How can I improve the impact?

Use large-format tiles with matching patterns in or near the bathtub. The mosaics can also be impressive on credenza or cover a step or tablet in a small area.

 What is the cost of a marble floor?

Natural marble, especially if you add glue and maintenance costs, will be more expensive than artificial tiles. As the trim grows, the price rises. Marble mosaics that can be made using falls are generally more affordable. A trick is to use marble in a small area to create a stunning focal point with cheaper tiles elsewhere.

Marble-looking and ceramic tiles are a good alternative. Many designers recommend artificial marble as a more durable option in showers and floors. Can I install a marble floor? It is better to avoid laying marble because of a complex application rather than a self, but if you have patience and knowledge.

How to install marble slabs?

 1- Level the floor As with most

 DIY projects, preparation is key. Make sure that the surface where you place the tiles is flat, clean and dry.

2- Create reference lines

Then you must mark the position of the tiles. Find the midpoints of the two longest walls and draw a line on the ground to join them together. Do the same thing with shorter walls, so they pass each other. Place the tiles on both lines, making sure to adjust the best position. It is better to use as many tiles as possible, so adjust the layout accordingly. When placing tiles around chimneys or the like, keep them symmetrical and avoid cutting tiles facing you along the wall as you enter the room.

3-Mix mortar / adhesive and spread to the floor

Apply one square meter of mortar / glue to one of the corners formed by the lines on the floor and be sure to spread evenly. Gently press the tiles out of the way and work outwards and add plastic spacers to each corner to make sure the connection is smooth.

4- Lay the first plate

When you reach the wall, measure and use the machine to cut the tiles to fill in the gaps without forgetting to leave space for the grout. Don't forget to wear safety glasses and gloves to cut the tiles. Check that the tiles align with the spirit level. After placing all tiles on one side of the line, move to the other side of the room.

5- Use a tile spacer

Use the spacers to create the correct gap between tiles and hold them even along the rows with straight lines. You should use 3mm marble tile spacers.

 6- Cut tiles

Use a circular saw to cut tiles to fit walls or special areas.

 7- Remove excess mortar / glue

If you put too much glue under the tiles, you need to buy a small knife to remove the excess.

8- Sealing of marble

Since the marble is very soft and prone to damage, it is important to apply a high quality marble sealant layer. This joint is also important because the marble is very porous and liquids can cause stains on the tiles.

 9- Make joints

After you have finished laying your soil, wait 12 hours for the mortar to take the joints. Moisten the gaps between the tiles using a damp sponge to prepare the bonding surface. Be sure to wear dust mask, goggles and work gloves.

10- Clearly remove tiles

Use a clean sponge to wipe the surface of the marble tiles. Use a damp sponge to remove excess seal. Marble floors are easy to clean. A classic floor cleaner and mat will do the trick, but do not use acidic cleaning agents, as this will abrade the marble. Unopened natural stone, although difficult to remove stubborn stains, can be washed in the same way as closed stone.

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