How to decorate a small living room

How to decorate a small living room

All of the small areas reveal the challenges of design and decoration, but since the living room is where you spend most of your time (and certainly where the guests will see it first), it may be particularly difficult to design a small space. How do we build a balance between keeping our needs together and making the room as wide as possible? Which furniture will you choose and put into the room? Here are 15 tips on how to decorate and decorate your living room in the best way and make the most of your space, and 10 special furniture ideas for small halls.

1- Use the mirrors and wallpaper.

Small living room, especially not much window If not, you may feel a little locked in the box ... To do this, create a focal point, increase the light and mirror on the wall paper. If you can place the mirror in front of a window, it's best: the mirror reflects the exterior and gives the impression of an extra window.

2- Add hidden storage space.

 Select built-in storage furniture to reduce clutter. Storage box or coffee table works well. Along the perimeter of the room, try to use a small dresser instead of the console to increase the storage options.

3- Choose small furniture.

Choose small living room furniture such as large sofas or voluminous chairs that tend to reduce space in your room. The average room size was quite low until the last century in general because the antique shops were a great place to find small furnishings. Look for small sofas, armchairs and chairs that can fit into your room without being overloaded.

4- Use vertical area

If your small living room has high ceilings, take full advantage of this extra space! While the vertical area doesn't help to integrate an extra seat, pulling the eye up helps your room feel bigger than it looks. Fill the vertical gap with various tables or photos.

5- Choose corner seat

A corner sofa will keep you entertained while maintaining the maximum comfort. A modern corner sofa with smooth, elegant lines fits better in a smaller space than a classic armchair.

6- Fill the sofa with a seat

In some areas a large sofa is not enough. Try adding a small extra seat or a small ottoman. To get a more airy look, choose one of the clean lines with longer feet.

7 - Try a couch with the back.

 In the open area, the best location for the sofa is not necessarily against a wall, but in the middle of the room. If your couch is not small enough, it can actually affect the entire area if it is placed in the middle of a small room. A backless couch is a very elegant alternative and can be used on both sides. And if you want to use it in a larger room one day, you can act as a separator between two seats.

 8- Add the plant.

Like wallpapers and mirrors, plants are also a great way of laying depth into a small living room. The vegetation softens the corners and fool the eye, thinking there is more room in the room than it really is. Plants are particularly effective at the corners and behind or behind chairs and sofas.

 9- Use functional furniture.

 Every piece of furniture in a small living room should be considered. Try to use seat cushions that work as a stand or additional seat, as well as side tables that can be moved when necessary, or small multi-faceted stools that can be seats or tables.

10- Choose a wall shelf

 Instead of using numerous small furniture that occupy space, use the entire wall instead of storage. A floor-to-ceiling storage wall can be customized to keep everything from books, media, and even a small table.

11- Plan the extra chair reserve.

It is really hard to have as many chairs as you want in a small area. One way to do this is to store several stackable chairs or stools in a cupboard where you can easily remove them when your friends arrive.

12- Try a "Invisible" piece.

Acrylic and glass are great materials that can be used in a small hall because they occupy zero visual space. Try a coffee table or chair in one of these materials.

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