African-inspired bathroom

African-inspired bathroom

 I'm so happy + Deko repeats its appearance and will soon be a site! It's time to take a step forward and technically improve the + deco interface, making it easier to use and making it more functional for ever-growing readers. I have a lot of new ideas and a lot of blog projects (including a contest), but let's take the time. Today I wanted to show you this bathroom, inspired by Africa, of interior designer Amber Lewis, based in Los Angeles. If you want to get an African look, you need the following items: -Black - African inspired motivation or designs - colors of the world -Plant pantry - African-inspired fabrics. Amber Lewis chose the whole package and actually used all the elements listed above when renovating the bathroom of her new office and shop. Paper walls from Mali Amber furniture collection with white geometric designs. On the other wall used long, thin tiles painted with black, bright paint. Kohler's golden taps. Wooden chest of drawers, round mirrors, vases and baskets reflect the colors of the world. It gives carpet color with beautiful texture. The plants (I think they don't have long life there) and two cacti complement the look.

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