Sailor tattoos and grandma

Sailor tattoos and grandma

 This is a post for tattooed ones, but not just. I don't have a tattoo. My pleasure and aesthetic sense are constantly evolving and I did not want to connect them with an indelible mark on my skin. To be honest, I'm glad I didn't. It is much more common nowadays than having tatauggi, even people over 60 have tattoos, and there is an innate sense of innate rebellion in scraping ink on the skin. The aesthetic taste remains and I would not pronounce. If I wanted to make a tattoo, I would probably choose a sailor-style heart or girl or a Japanese mafia design. Eva Gernandt, who owned ceramics when I saw this beautiful, immediately made me think of sailor tattoos. I love Mutti's food and bowls, and the inevitable relationship with the world of mental connections and tattoos with the adventurous and thoughtless life of the sailors makes this old inspiration very street-style.

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