Long skirt looks hot

Long skirt looks hot

 The Claudia site shows that the piece goes well with its classic or peeled appearance. Classic and elegant, the long skirt is the key choice for different styles, from the most laid back to the most sober. You can have another face with the right accessories and soft fabric is always good. Claudia has chosen some combinations to inspire you and leave you chic in the spring when the temperature is warmer, and be prepared for both cold and heat. Look at this:

Go out with friends

Combined with a sleek body that looks like a shirt, the look looks fashionable and comfortable without leaving style. Color glasses bring a special touch and make everything more interesting.

 1. Tricoline housing, Tufi Duek, R $ 690 * 2. Acetate glasses, Helena Bordon, R $ 479 * Skirt 3, Viviane Furrier, R $ 579.90 * 4. Synthetic bag, Renner, R $ 79,90 * 5. Leather Shoes, Sarah Chofakian, R $ 973

For when you feel comfortable Plastic as high as the bomber jacket is a bold trend that can be worn on days when the weather is uncertain. Even so, with a more shimmering necklace and straw solids, the look is more comfortable, perfect for coffee or hiking. The "praieiros" materials of the shoe and necklace combine with the mesh top to make the synthetic bag stand out.

 1. Crepe Bomber, C & A, R $ 149 * 2. Over the mesh, Viviane Furrier, R $ 199.90 * 3. Rope necklace, Drê Magalhães, R $ 230 * 4. Handbag made of synthetic material, Amaro, R $ 169.90 * 5. Hay mules, Renner, R $ 119.90

*For business It is made to spend a time full of style on the days you want to look comfortable and at the same time without leaving comfort behind. Earrings, a sophisticated look and a bag combined with heels - more comfortable - color the whole look. Textures bring more complexity and make a simple piece a well thought out thing.

 1. Cotton Blazer, Youcom, R $ 179.90 * 2. Over the pancake, Forever 21, R $ 65.90 * 3. Metal earrings, C & A, R $ 29.99 * 4. Synthetic bag, Santa Lolla, R $ 289.90 * 5. Leather Mules, Shoes, R $ 159.90

 For a day in the park With a t-shirt betting for sporty fashion with only a few pull-out accessories and color, the combination is no longer "serious" and is perfect for a sunny day in the park. Acetate-cub style glasses give a very sophisticated touch, while the backpack and shoes make everything more functional and comfortable with hiking or longer walks.

1. Acetate glasses, Vogue, $ 416 * 2. Mesh Ball, Pop Up Store, 259 * 3. Synthetic backpack, Marisa, $ 89.95 * 4. Canvas shoes, Mia Mia, $ 209 *

* Prices were discussed in August / 2018. Changeable.

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