On the day of wedding acne, dark rings and so on.

On the day of wedding acne, dark rings and so on.

 MdeMulher asked dermatologists for help on how to alleviate these events. How to get rid of acne and dark circles on your wedding day. Congratulations, future bride. You're likely to have "checked" most of the wedding preparation by now. But like life, weddings are unpredictable and you may have to deal with unpleasant problems such as acne in the middle of the face, dark circles from bad sleeping nights or dry skin. Take a deep breath and relax! MdeMulher asked for help from dermatologists from Abdo Salomão Jr., a member of the Brazilian Society of Dermatology (SBD), and from the SBD member assistance from the American Academy of Dermatology and Valéria Marcondes, who are also members of the SBD. acne According to Abdo, the main complaint that brings the bride to the dermatologists is that if you encounter a most unpleasant spine on the wedding day, don't fight with the mirror. First, hold the sensation and check the little fingers: never poke or squeeze the wound, as it may leave the skin inflamed, pronounced and injured, and allow the pores to open and allow bacteria to flow freely - and acne lasts. To resolve the dilemma, bet on dermatological creams containing active benzoyl peroxide and apply the product to the spine repeatedly until the wedding hours. This is dry and, if possible, causes a 'fall'. Ice packs also help to reduce swelling, while correction in green tones (if the spine is reddish) and lilac (yellowish secretion) neutralizes the stain before makeup. Xô allergy Abdo explains that allergies are nothing but injuries that can be caused by the most different agents, internal or external. In the event of an allergy all of a sudden, Valeria underlines that the most common is the “contact neden caused by certain products applied to the skin before the wedding. Generally, in addition to oral medications, the problem of applying topical creams and ointments directly to the rashes is solved.However, it is ideal for ending the question, even if you have an urgent appointment with your dermatologist, even if you have a marriage. Doctors who trigger friends and acquaintances, do not be afraid to delay the ceremony and put your health first. Isn't it time? Being a home remedy for allergy relief is to do repeated compression throughout the day using chamomile iced tea or spa water. Dry skin If you're the one who has healthy and delicious skin a long time ago, but when you wake up extremely scared on your wedding day, we offer you just one word: moisturizing. Prepare the skin using moisturizing creams, apply it on a creamy sunscreen (avoid oil-free effect), do not rub the face when washing and of course avoid using hot water. Thermal water also moisturizes the skin well and repeated sprays can help improve its appearance. In emergencies, powerful facial masks (paper or cream) and reconstructors save lives! Ah! Drink plenty of water throughout the day and avoid using unknown products for makeup. It is better for the professional in charge of doing the work with the basics, bases, corrections, shadows and other items that you already have that correspond to your skin type. Dark Circles and Inflatables The bride cannot always rest the night before the wedding, which can cause deep dark circles and a swollen face when waking up. To avoid exposure to dark circles, compress the eye area using tea (green or chamomile) ice for five minutes and use creams for the area active as vitamin A and avoid those containing retinoic acid. For make-up, bet on corrections in yellow or coral shades, test which one makes the best use of your dark circles - if you do make-up professionally, ask for more attention to the products applied in this area.Already swelling can be softened in different ways.

Start by washing your face with ice water on waking, which reduces the swelling as well as balances the oily skin throughout the day. Invest in facial massages as well as specially designed lymph drainage: massage the face from bottom to top and make circular movements around the eye area. Again, spray thermal water throughout the day taking advantage of the moisturizing and anti-inflammatory power. Avoid drinking liquids with drinking water, avoid drinking alcohol until the wedding time and apply your favorite moisturizer before you start. Dry lips I woke up with dry lips and you want your mouth to withstand hours of lipstick that will come 24 hours in advance? Therefore, in combination with D-panthenol in its formula, it addresses balsams and lip balms, commonly used to treat burns and rashes. Apply the product as soon as you notice the roughness of the lips, reapply if necessary, and stay until makeup. According to Abdo, avoid using cocoa butter that moisturizes even the lips first, but leaves them dry throughout the day. Avoid the news Anız If you don't take the time to look at your skin in advance, don't think about more detailed procedures on wedding days. Even if you think you have time for skin cleansing or acne treatment a few hours before the event, do not encourage you to take the risk of irritation - for example, acne, blemishes and wrinkles are planned three to six months before the ceremony. In Do whatever it takes to avoid overloading and making history the best way, tarihi says Valéria.

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