Stella Jean's studio

Stella Jean's studio

 Some of you will remember two years ago I wrote an article titled "I ♥♥♥ Stella Jean". Well, I still love her work and when I receive an invitation for a wedding I think that the perfect look for me would be a men's shirt and African-inspired skirt, which is the most iconic outfits Stella Jean (see her photo with 'my' outfit. A few months ago I came across a young talented woman Giulia Bertuletti (working as her controlling video producer, director and photographer, Vimeo) and showed me the photos she took lying in the studio for Marie Claire from Korea to Stella Jean Rome. Since I've been obsessed with the work of creative people lately, I decided to ask if I could publish the photos on my blog. Today I visited another interesting artist's studio (Gaetano Zampogna) and I'll come back to take some more pictures if you can (you can see some on Instagram). Soon I'm going to publish photos of Davide Dormino's super creative studio. Stay tuned for avalanches of inspiration!

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